Round table on the topic: “Infection prevention and infection control”

Round table on the topic: “Infection prevention and infection control”

  In the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to improve patient safety and quality medical care, much attention is paid to the training of staff of health care facilities on issues of increased infection safety in the provision of medical care to patients and infection control in health care facilities.

       The “National Center for Public Health” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the Plan “On improvement of the system of infection prevention and infection control for 2022-2027” and held a number of events such as round table, training seminars and conference dedicated to this topic.   Active participants of the events were all medical universities of Kazakhstan and of course the faculty of NAO ICC and the resolution of the events was the development of pre and postgraduate education in the field of infection prevention and infection control for specialists of medical organizations.

      13.06.24 at the Department of “Public Health” with the participation of Deans of Schools “MUS”: Uzbekova S.E. (School of  Medicine), Kayrkhanova Y.O. (School of Health, Dentistry, Pharmacy and  nursing) was held a round table on “Infection Prevention and Infection Control”. The organizer of the round table was Z.A. Hismetova, Head of the Department of “Public Health”. Speakers Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Tokanova Sh.E., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dermatovenerology and Immunology Maukaeva S.B., PhD, teacher Iskakovа N.S , Associate Professor Tokesheva Sh. M., revealed the issues and problems of  IPIC  in Kazakhstan, presented ways to solve and improve the quality of education on improving infection safety, that from the baccalaureate level it is necessary to form an understanding and commitment to infection control.

 Speaker lecturer of the Department of Public Health Kalbagayeva ZH.E.

Categories: Round tables