On June 14, 2024, a seminar was held for pediatricians of the KGP at the Semey City Hospital No. 1, UZ OA on the topic: “Features of the course of pneumonia and therapy in children with cerebral palsy.” The report was made by the assistant of the department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases Koishybaeva K.Zh. Features of the course of pneumonia in children with cerebral palsy are due to: a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs due to muscle weakness or spastic scoliosis; weakening of the cough reflex; frequent dysphagia and vomiting with the development of aspiration; gastroesophageal reflux disease; severe protein-energy deficiency with manifestations of cachexia; frequent antibiotic resistance of pathogens; rapid development of metabolic acidosis and hypercapnia; development of seizures – both true and febrile
Principles of treatment of pneumonia in patients with cerebral palsy: Early prescription of etiotropic therapy for suspected pneumonia; sanitization of the respiratory tract – removal of mucus, sputum for better aeration; mandatory use of auxiliary therapy – nebulizer inhalation therapy, drainage massage for active evacuation of sputum; in case of ineffective coughing up of sputum, special breathing techniques and sometimes mechanical aspiration are recommended.
The lecturer covered the specifics of the course of pneumonia and therapy in children with cerebral palsy.
At the end of the seminar, the lecturer answered questions from the audience and received positive comments and feedback