The summer school at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases was organized in accordance with the approved “Regulations on the organization of winter/summer school” at the university. The initiative to hold the school belonged to the head of the department, associate professor Amrenova K.Sh. The training took place from June 10 to June 14, 2024 in an offline format at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases in building No. 3 of the dormitory, in room 211.
The theme of the summer school is “Type II diabetes mellitus, main syndromes, diagnosis and prevention.” School participants are 3rd year students majoring in Pediatrics. The purpose of the event was to develop the knowledge and skills of participants necessary for successful work in the medical field.
The summer school for students offers to immerse themselves in the world of studying type 2 diabetes mellitus – one of the most common endocrine diseases in children and adolescents. As part of the program, participants will learn about the main syndromes associated with this disease, as well as methods for diagnosing and preventing diabetes.
During the classes, students studied the anatomical and physiological aspects of diabetes, its causes and mechanisms of development. They will also become familiar with methods of treating and controlling the disease, including modern methods of insulin therapy and diet therapy.
In addition to theoretical classes, participants were presented with practical cases and tasks for providing first aid for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
The summer school in pediatrics on the topic of type 2 diabetes provided students with a unique opportunity to better understand this disease, develop skills in its diagnosis and treatment, and prepare for professional work in the field of pediatric and adult endocrinology. The students were awarded certificates.