Leading experts in the field of pulmonology and allergology took part in the Regional Council of Experts «Regional features of the management of severe bronchial asthma (SBA) in the aspect of optimizing management using GEBT (genetic engineering biological targeted therapy)». The meeting of healthcare professionals is aimed at developing medical science and improving the treatment of patients in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Respiratory diseases in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the world, are among the most common. The Council of Experts, which unites specialists in pulmonology and allergology, is intended to provide assistance to patients with respiratory pathologies. In order to improve the treatment of patients with severe bronchial asthma (SBA), which is a problem in respiratory medicine, to improve the quality of statistics on SBA, to increase the ability to predict the situation on SBA, planning measures to improve patient care, the introduction of new technologies for this pathology, by the forces of specialists of Abai region (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine NCJSC «SMU», chief pulmonologist of Abai region Urazalina Zh, D.B. Kozubaeva, M.D., assistant of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dermatovenerology and Immunology, D.B. Yertuspaeva G.K., head of pediatric multidisciplinary department of the University Hospital of NCJSC “Semey Medical University”, D.N. Gabdullina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, allergist-immunologist together with leading specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan are developing a roadmap for the use of GEBT (genetically engineered biological target therapy).