Meeting with curatorial  groups before state exams

Meeting with curatorial groups before state exams

In accordance with the Education Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, educational work is an integral part of the pedagogical activities of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dermatovenerology and Immunology. Educational work with curatorial groups in the department was carried out during the academic year. Along with this form on May 19, 2024 curators Abdrakhmanova G.J, Kozubaeva D.B in 5309,5104 groups of GM conducted curatorial hour before state exams, discussed their level of readiness for exams and discussed the final result. When conducting educational work in the curatorial group, important attention was paid to the progress in the group, students participated in the Olympiad on HIV infection. Special attention was paid to the introduction of a healthy lifestyle and the influence of bad habits on the state of the immune system. For the purpose of volunteer assistance provided assistance to a low-income family, visited “Hospice of Semey city”. Curators together with students held an event dedicated to the Constitution Day, “Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Independence Day, Nauryz holiday, Victory Day, familiarized with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption”.