The summer school

The summer school

Lecturers of the Department of Pharmacology named after MD, prof. M.N. Musin. Zheldybayeva U.T and Kakytayeva A.E. began holding a summer school for 2nd-year students of the specialty “Medicine” for the foreign department on the topic “Features of anti-inflammatory therapy” and “General issues of antibacterial therapy” for the Kazakh department. The summer school will be held for one week and includes lectures, practical classes, case studies, and writing prescriptions. The teachers of the department have prepared a program covering key aspects of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy.

The summer school has become an important educational event that helps deepen students’ knowledge in the field of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy. The knowledge and practical experience gained will help future doctors in their professional activities, providing a high level of medical care to patients.

Categories: Students