August 29 is the day of the closing of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

August 29 is the day of the closing of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

A delegation from Japan, as well as the head of the Irish charity fund “A Cause Greater Than Chernobyl” Fiona Corcoran, were met on Beibitshilik Island.

Before the event, flowers were traditionally laid at the “Stronger than Death” monument and a minute of silence was announced.

Afterwards, in the Semey Medical University with aimed at replenishing educational resources and improving the qualifications of residents and doctoral students of the Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine named after prof. D. R. Mussinov a master class was held.
Japanese scientists from Nagasaki University held lectures and a master class. During the master class, Japanese scientists presented information on effective methods of diagnosing and treating thyroid cancer.
Young specialists, residents, and doctoral candidate participating in the event as listeners had the opportunity to ask questions and share opinions on the topic of the lecture.

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