Family is the basis of spiritual rebirth!

Family is the basis of spiritual rebirth!

On September13, 2024, teachers of the Department of SimulationandEducationalTechnologies, PhD,MukanovaD.A.,SmagulovaZh.I.,VanO.T.,MusabekovaN.E.,MamyrkhanovaG.M.,YkybaevaN.B.,KakimzhanovaM.K.,students of 3116,3628groups of GeneralMedicine,interns of 704GP, as wellasstudents of the curatorialgroupsvisited the regionaluniversallibrarynamed after Abai,whereaninteractivemeeting”Familyis the basis of spiritualrebirth” was held,dedicated to FamilyDay,which is traditionallycelebratedinKazakhstan on the secondSunday of September. The librarystaffintroduced the guests of thiseventto the history of the holiday,customsandtraditionsthat are celebratedinKazakhstanandothercountries of the world. The studentslearnedthatthisholiday has been celebratedin the Republic of Kazakhstansince2013andthat the mainpurposeof the holidaywas to implement the nationalstatetaskofpreservingculturalvalues,traditions,spirituality, and educating the youngergeneration.

The studentsparticipatedinquizzes,gamesandtrainingswithgreatinterest. The quizincludedquestions about the traditionsandcustoms of the Kazakhpeopleconcerning the creationandstrengthening of a family,inunison with the quiz, the game”Continue the proverband the saying”washeld,at the training, studentsreceivedskills to createandpreserve a family.

The event was accompanied by the screening of videos on this topic, as well as the presentation of a book exhibition, which featured such popular books as “Bakyttyn kilti – ayelde” by K. Kalieva, “Otbasy. Otagasy. Otanasy” K.G. Zhunisova-Elshibayeva, “Otbasy. Okuga tiis 10 kitap” by Sh. Mukana and many others, which give advice on creating and maintaining a family, raising children.

Categories: Social Life