A curatorial hour was held to familiarize with the main documents, rules and regulations of the SMU

A curatorial hour was held to familiarize with the main documents, rules and regulations of the SMU

On 09/03/2024, a curatorial hour was held dedicated to familiarization with the main documents and provisions of the SMU, NCJSC with the second-year group 2105, specialty “Medicine”, 2230 specialty “Pediatrics” and curator Sadykova Dinara Ormbaevna. During the curatorial hour, interns got acquainted with the new provisions in the documents of the SMU, NCJSC the academic policy of the SMU, NCJSC, academic integrity, internal regulations of students, the code of ethics of students, discipline policy, regulations on the procedure for working off missed classes and eliminating academic differences by students of the NCJSC “Semey Medical University”

At the end of the curatorial hour, interns received answers Feedback was provided to the interns on their questions.