Communicativecompetenceisimportantin the practicalfield of pre-graduateandpostgraduatemedicaleducation. The communicativecompetence of students of pre-graduateeducation is formedin the study of basicknowledge of communicationskillsandskills of effectivecommunicationwith the patient.
On September17, 2024, teachers of the Department of SimulationandEducationalTechnologies, headedby the head of the Department, PhD, D.A.Mukanova,aspart of an eventaimedatdevelopingprofessionalcompetencies of students, conductededucationalworkamongstudentson the topic: “Development of students’ communicationskills”.Participants:students3619,3645,3618,3628gr.GeneralMedicine,3431Pediatrics,301Pharmacy,interns705 of the GPgroup.
The teachers of the department informed the students about the development of communicative competence as the most important component of the general professional competence of the future medical worker. Communicative competence in the professional activity of a doctor allows you to properly build relationships with the patient, his family members and colleagues in various situations. The development of communication skills leads to constant self-improvement and self-development.