09/11/2024 Assistants of the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases of SMU Abaeva K.D. and Rakhimbaeva S.Zh. together with their supervisory groups 4405 and 4404 in the specialty “Pediatrics”, they held an event at Administrative District of the NCJSC SMU as part of the Family Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Family Day”.This event was attended by teachers from the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases, sick children being treated in the Department of Pediatrics and their parents.
Family Day in Kazakhstan is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of September. The main idea of the holiday is to remind us of our traditional values, how important it is to take care of each other and maintain warmth and love in the family. Today, students told sick children and their parents about the holiday and highlighted the most important issues that concern them. This event aroused particular interest among all those present. At the end there was feedback. These educational activities are very relevant today and are of great importance for preserving traditional family values with new technologies.