October1st is the Day of the Elderly.Variouseventsdedicated to the elderly are heldall over the worldonthisday.InKazakhstan, the memorabledate was includedin the lists of officialholidaysand is celebratedannually. On September24, 2024, the Department of SimulationandEducationalTechnologies of NAO”MUS”held a festiveeventdedicated to the Day of the Elderly. The festiveevent was attended by aveteran of laborin the field of medicine, an excellent student of healthcare, a publicfigure of the Republic of Kazakhstanin the field of protection of motherhoodandchildhood,regulation of interfaithandinterethnicrelations,chairman of the Center for the Preservation of NationalValues”AhauSemey” of the cityHouse of FriendshipZhumatayevaGulzhikhanAmergalikyzy.
DinaraMukanova, Head of the Department of SimulationandEducationalTechnologies,PhD, Associate Professor, delivered acongratulatoryspeech.
Theconcertprogram was attended by students of curatorialgroups,aswell as 3618BazarbayevD.,3616groupsKayyrzhanovaG.,ShakarovaN.and3409groups.
Zhumatayeva Gulzhihan Amergalikyzy, shared her life experience, answered the students’ questions. A photo shoot took place at the end of the event.