

09/30/2024 by the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitation named after D.M. Tusupova. The head of the department – Alimbaeva Aliya Rakhmetullinovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, as well as the organizers of the clinic department, held a meeting of the clinical committee at the NAO ICC. – “The state of children’s rehabilitation in the Abay region.” Purpose of the meeting: to discuss and solve problems, including the lack of specialized services and resources, discussion of this topic also helps to raise awareness about the problems of child rehabilitation and the need for effective support for children and their families. His report examined the current situation regarding human resources in the field of rehabilitation. Personnel shortage of rehabilitation doctors, FMR specialists, development of rehabilitation in the areas of oncology, cardiology and pulmonology. Insufficient application of the ICF in the practice of multidisciplinary groups in the OA. The meeting was attended by chief doctors, deputy chief doctors, and heads of rehabilitation centers in Semey.

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