Assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice of the NCJSC “MUS”, Zhunusova Meruert Kuanyshpekovna held a curatorial hour with interns of group 729, 730, on the topic “No to corruption”. Unfortunately, corruption is a widespread social problem in modern society. Corruption has a negative impact on the quality of life of citizens and the well-being of the population. Our state is actively fighting corruption. But this is not enough. Every person, every citizen, and every employee must prevent corruption-related violations at their own level and, if necessary, inform the anti-corruption council. The participants were told that we ourselves form the environment in which we live. Interns shared their opinions and received answers to questions. You can report the facts of corruption by contacting the Helpline +7 771 369 32 27 The Anti-Corruption Committee of the NCJSC “SMU”.