On September 30, within the framework of the Silver University project, teachers of the discipline “Immunology”, “ENT diseases”, associate professors Akhmetova A.K. and Maukayeva S.B. visited the regional friendship house with curatorial groups and met with representatives of the Aisha Bibi cultural center. The members of the center revive national applied art as an important part of cultural heritage. The visit to the center was timed to coincide with the day of the elderly, which is held on October 1. Teachers and students congratulated the members of the center and presented gifts in memory of this day. The head of the center thanked the students and teachers and noted that the center makes a great contribution to the moral and cultural education of young people, instills love for the Motherland and family, respect for elders. The participants of the meeting wished health and success, and sang fervent songs together in honor of the holiday