Lecture at the House of Students No. 1 on the topic “Headache: types, symptoms and treatment”

It was organized and held on September 28, 2024 as part of the Saturday events plan at the House of Students of the SMU, NCJSC. The Department of Neurology, Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology conducted educational work, which was attended by students of Semey Medical University. The organizer of the round table is the assistant of the…

Laboratory work of students of the Department of Microbiology named after Professor M.M.Urazalin

Students of the 2nd year of the Department of Microbiology named after Professor M.M. Urazalin, according to the schedule, began classes at the center of the research laboratory, which is located on the basis of the PCR laboratory of the University Hospital of the NAO “MUS“. On the basis of the microbiological department, ELISA and PCR are carried out when performing scientific and experimental work. The students really enjoyed the lesson in the microbiological laboratory, especially working with microorganisms, studied morphological features under a microscope and determined the type of microorganisms.

Visit to the anatomical museum

05.10.2024, senior lecturer Sadykova Dinara Ormbaevna of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Topographic Anatomy named after Professor N.A. Khlopov conducted career guidance work among students of the Medical University of Karaganda, who visited the Anatomical Museum as part of academic mobility. During the meeting, detailed information was provided on the specialties and how to…

«Communicative competence of higher school staff»

It’s no secret that professional activity is always fraught with difficult situations containing numerous and often implicit obstacles. It is in them, when a person demonstrates different types of reactions, that communicative competence manifests itself most clearly. It acts as a marker of the general communicative culture of the individual. The understanding by the management…

Meeting of the student scientific circle on surgery

A regular meeting of the student scientific circle was held at the Department of Hospital Surgery, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care on September 18, 2024. The heads of the SSC were present: S.T. Abdrakhmanov. The chairmen and participants of the student scientific circle – Hospital Surgery participated. The topic of the meeting was: ” Wounds- definition…