Since September 2024, regular meetings have been held with 1st and 2nd year students of the NAO “Semey Medical University”, students of the “School of Medicine and Pediatrics” and the “School of Public Health, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Nursing” with the teaching staff of the military department. The main purpose of these meetings is to bring…

“Modern problems of energy supply in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them”

October 1, 2024, Associate Professor Kapanova G.K. a curatorial hour was held with students of group 4307 of the OMF on the topic: “55 key questions and answers on the construction of nuclear power plants in Kazakhstan”, During the interview, the students of the group became familiar with materials on the problems of energy supply…

Meeting of students with members of the Active Longevity Center

On September 30, within the framework of the Silver University project, teachers with groups Nuralinova G.I. (5423 group), Tokaeva A.Z. (5347 group), Smail E.M. (5318 group), Issabekova Zh.B. (5426), Maukayeva S.B. (5343 group) met with members of the center for active longevity. The meeting was dedicated to the day of the elderly. The students have…