Attached documents

12016. Audit financial report of an independent auditor
22017. Annual financial statements
32017. Audit financial report of an independent auditor
42017. The auditor's report on the special purpose audit
52018. Audit financial report of an independent auditor
62018. The auditor's report on the special purpose audit
72019. Annual financial report. Audit report
82019. Annual financial report. The balance sheet
92019. Number of stakes
102019. The development plan of SMU, NCJSC
112019. The Salary Fund of SMU, NCJSC
122020. Acquisition of assets
132020. Acquisition of assets
142020. Calculation of costs based on natural nutrition standards
152020. Calculation of costs for payment of works and services provided by legal entities and individuals
162020. Calculation of costs for payment of works and services provided by legal entities and individuals
172020. Calculation of expenses for medicines and other medical supplies
182020. Calculation of expenses for medicines and other medical supplies
192020. Calculation of fuel and lubricants costs
202020. Calculation of fuel and lubricants costs
212020. Calculation of the cost of purchasing other goods
222020. Calculation of the cost of purchasing other goods
232020. Implementation of the development plan of SMU, NCJSC for 2019
242020. The audit report of the independent auditor on the financial statements of SMU, NCJSC for 2019
252021. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 442 dated 07/23/2021, "On approval of the annual financial statements of the Semey Medical University, Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company for 2020"
262021. The audit report of the independent auditor on the financial statements of SMU, NCJSC for 2020
272021. The auditor's report of the independent auditor on the financial statements of SMU, NCJSC for 2021
282022. Order No. 739 dated 08/22/2022 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
292022. The audit report of the independent auditor on the financial statements of SMU, NCJSC for 2022
302023. Financial statements for the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023