The main task of Semey Medical University is to train highly qualified medical specialists. Educational work is carried out in accordance with the normative documents of higher education under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board-Rector, Deputy Chairman of the Board for academic work, Deans of schools. The Academic Council discusses fundamental issues, defines changes in teaching methods, discusses the improvement of forms and methods of teaching, the introduction of new methods of teaching students, the achievements of medicine and practice in the educational process, examines research materials, manuscripts, textbooks to determine their readiness for publication.


The educational process is based on certain traditions developed over the years. During this time, the number of published educational and methodical recommendations and textbooks has been significantly increased. The educational process is being improved every year. Today, the work of the teacher is not only to provide information to students, but also to stimulate their cognitive activity and the introduction of scientific methods of knowledge in the educational process.


To improve the quality of mastering practical skills, computer models and interactive computerized mannequins are placed in the Educational and Clinical center of the University (ECC). ECC is formed from the Department of integrated training and research laboratory, consisting of morphology, biochemistry, microbiology and hygiene laboratories. Three simulation classrooms allow students to master and evaluate the practical skills of specially designed algorithms. Simulation classrooms give students the opportunity to observe all operations online, followed by discussion and correction of mistakes.[/vc_column_text]
