View allAnnouncementsAnnouncements about the defense of PhD dissertations in the specialty “Medicine”Announcements about the defense of PhD dissertations in the specialty “Public Health”Announcements of RI of RM&EAnnouncements of Ust-Kamenogorsk branchAnticorruption CommitteeAnnouncements on the submission of documents for the conferring of an academic titleLibrary announcementsMinutes of Ust-Kamenogorsk branchMinutes of RI of RM&EScientific conferences and events of SMU, NCJSCVacant grants
Announcement of the submission of documents for the assignment of the academic title to c.m.s. S.O. Rakhyzhanova
According to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2011 No. 128 “On approval of the Rules for awarding academic titles (Associate Professor (Associate Professor), Professor)” with additions and amendments by the Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated…
DetailsAcceptance of documents for postgraduate educational programs
The admissions committee of NJSC “MUS” informs that ACCEPTANCE OF DOCUMENTS for postgraduate educational programs begins on July 3. Documents will be accepted in the following classrooms located in the main building of the university: Internship 3.07 – 15.08 – 3rd floor No. 323 office Residency 07/03 – 07/25 – 3rd floor No. 312 room…