Department of acquisition and processing

Senior Specialist Oguzbayeva Altyn Yermekovna

e-mail:; Tel 8 (722)2 56-28-88 (1045); mobile: 87777464471

The fund acquisition department is one of the main structural divisions of the library. The profile of the foundation is determined by the directions and content of educational and scientific activities of the university faculties. Literature is purchased at the request of faculties departments, as well as publications UML teaching staff, issued by the printing office. Every year, on average, the library fund is replenished with more than 30 thousand copies of books. The publications entering the library are described in the electronic catalog.

Information and bibliographic department

Senior Specialist Уссербаева Роза Саветкановна.

e-mail:; Tel: 8 (722)2 56-28-88 (1045); Mob.: 87751999473

Is Responsible for the information and reference work of the library. The bibliographer searches for information at the users request, including virtual ones; conducts various informational events for specialists. In order to promote new acquisitions, it holds Days of Information, Days of the Department, etc.

Service department

Service department Senior Specialist Zhursinova Zhumabike Rakhimgaliyevna

Contacts: Tel 8 (722)2 56-28-88 int. 1076

The service department is one of the major structural divisions of the library. The department employees carry out the library and information support of the educational process, scientific and pedagogical and research activities of the university. The main objectives of the department:

1. full and efficient library and bibliographic service for readers of literature in accordance with their information requests;

2. formation of the department fund in accordance with the curricula and faculties programs;

3. perservation of the library book collection;

4. education of information culture.

The structure of the department includes:

  • Subscription
  • Reading room
  • Electronic class