Public competition for an international training course in environmental, occupational and public health (project Erasmus+ “TUTORIAL)


1. Competition notice

A public competition notice by qualifications and examinations is announced for the assignment of a place in the training courses on occupational and environmental health scheduled in July 2017 in Milano (Italy), Tartu (Estonia) and Berlin (Germany).


2. Requirements

All graduates who have an appropriate scientific-professional curriculum to be admitted in the course can participate in this public selection.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Absence of criminal record;
  2. Degree in Medicine / Public Health

Moreover it is required:

  1. Proficiency in the English language at least B1 level
  2. Previous documented experience in University teaching in the field of occupational and environmental health

Qualifications must be owned on the date of expiry established for the presentation of the application form.

The degree earned abroad can be declared admissible, by the Judging Commission, only for purposes related to the selection.

The following qualifications will be evaluated for purposes related to the competition:

  1. PhD in subjects concerning the public health (hygiene, epidemiology, public health) or equivalent qualification earned abroad;
  2. Specialization degree in medical area;
  3. Post-graduate degrees;
  4. Attendance of post-graduate courses at national or foreign Universities;
  5. Scientific-professional curriculum based on proven experience for research activity already carried out at public and private bodies with contracts, fellowships or appointments, both in this Country and abroad;

Publications in scientific reviews.

3. Candidates list and curricula publication

In order to ensure transparency to this competition notice, the list of candidates with their curriculum vitae and the result of each selection will be published on the web site

4. Application

Application forms in plain paper must be written according to the form enclosed in the competition notice and include name, surname, place and date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail, they must be brought to the office #245 in the main building of SMU of Semey located at: Semey city, 103 Abay street.

Application can be sent by registered letter with return coupon attached (in this case the stamp and date of the post office will be considered) within February 15th 2017.

Application forms can also be submitted online, at the following email address: within the fixed deadline. The message should state in the object field: “APPLICATION FOR PARTECIPATING IN THE TRAINING COURSE ORGANIZED BY THE ”TUTORIAL” PROJECT”.

Application forms not signed or incomplete or sent after the deadline established will not be admitted.

The application form must enclose:

  1. Degree with final mark;
  2. Phd degree / specialization in the areas of environmental, occupational and public health.
  3. Scientific qualifications, diplomas, scholarships, attendance of post-graduate courses,
  4. Publications
  5. Curriculum of scientific activities.


Candidates who have a degree only must show necessary documents to demonstrate a scientific-professional curriculum and appropriate research experience to carry out research activity as from this competition notice, otherwise they will be excluded from the competition.


5. Selection process

Application forms will be examined by the Admission Board, specifically appointed by the Rector (for the composition of the Commission. The Commission, within twenty days since the deadline for presenting applications, will form a ranking on the basis of a selection of academic and scientific qualifications presented and of an interview aiming at verifying the candidate’s aptitude to research and knowledge of the language required. The commission establishes the standards of evaluation first and to evaluate the candidate it can use up to 100 points to divide up in the following way:

  1. PhD or Specialization in Medical Area up to 15 points
  2. Scientific-professional Curriculum (post-graduate degrees, certified experience for research activity already carried out at public and private bodies with contracts, scholarships or appointments, both in Italy and abroad) up to 10 points
  3. Other qualifications established by the competition notice up to 15 points
  4. Scientific publications up to 10 points
  5. Interview up to 50 points.


The Commission at the end of the interviews will publish the result of the total evaluation for each candidate on the University web site. In case of equality the women will be preferred. The results of the selection are approved by Rector’s decree and published on the University web site. Reports by Commission are public.

The interview will be public and will take place on February 16, at 14:00 o’clock at the address: 103 Abay street, SMU of Semey, green conference hall. 

Handicapped candidates will do explicit request related to their handicap concerning the necessary aid in order to do the interview.

The winner will receive communication of the assignment of the fellowship. Within 5 days since receiving the communication, unless differently stated, the person concerned must send to the Rector the declarations of acceptance required by the Administration, otherwise he/she will lose the right and within the following 10 days he/she will be called to stipulate a contract of collaboration to research activities.

6. Winner not compliant with competition notice and regulations

Winners of fellowships who do not comply what established by this competition notice and Regulations lose the right to the participation upon Rector’s act by previous written communication.


7. Place available in case of loss of right or renounce by winner

In case of loss of the right or lack of stipulation within the deadline established or possible renounce by the winners, inclusion will be offered to the candidates usefully placed in the ranking according to what established by Regulations.

 8. Person in charge of this competition

Person in charge –  K.Zh. Baildinova, vice-rector for quality and continuous education at SMU of Semey.

University will commit itself to respect all confidential information provided by the candidate. All information provided will be handled only for aims connected to the selection and to the stipulation and management of relationship with University.
