Semey State Medical University has become the participant of the international educational project under the Erasmus+ programme for the first time. The coordinator of the international action is the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano). Besides SMU of Semey, the project participants are: University of Milan, Italy, Technical University Berlin, Germany, ECM company, Berlin, Germany, Learning Foundation in Occupational Health, Leusden, Netherland, University of Tartu, Rama Krishna Mission Vivekananda University, Kolkata, India, Pravara Rural Education Society, Maharashtra, India, Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan, International School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Public Association “Taasir-Impact”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Khujand State University, Khujand, Tajikistan and Avicenna Tajik State Medical University.
The project’s name is STrengthening Network EdUcaTiOn, Research and Innovation in Environmental HeALth in Asia “TUTORIAL”. The project’s aim is to strengthen research capacity in the field of environmental health (public health) and to contribute to information sharing and capacity building between higher education institutions of European Union and Central Asia.
Installation conference in Milan (Italy) on Erasmus+ programme “STrengthening Network EdUcaTiOn, Research and Innovation in Environmental HeALth in Asia”.
Coordinator of the international educational project within Erasmus+ programme “Strengthening Network of Education, Research & Innovation in Central Asia” at Semey State Medical University K. Zh. Baildinova took part in the installation conference of project participants, which took place on January 18-20, 2017 in Milan, Italy.
Participants of the action:
# | Name | University |
1 | Prof. Claudio Colosio | University of Milano, Italia |
2 | Dr. Arnold Sterenharz | ECM company, Berlin, Germany |
3 | Dr. Elena Euygorn | Technical University Berlin, Germany |
4 | Prof. Gert van Laan | Learning Foundation in Occupational Health, Leusden, Netherland |
5 | Mihkel Pindus | University of Tartu |
6 | Prof. Pranab Kumar Nag | Rama Krishna Mission Vivekananda University, Kolkata, India |
7 | Prof. Ashok Vikhe Patil | Pravara Rural Education Society, Maharashtra, India |
8 | Prof. Karlygash Toguzbaeva | Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan |
9 | Dr. Klara Baildinova | Semey State Medical University, Semey, Kazakhstan |
10 | Dr. Bakhtiyar Serik | Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan |
11 | Prof. Dzhusupov Kenesh | International School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan |
12 | Dr. Derbishalieva Zhyparkul | Public Association “Taasir-Impact”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan |
13 | Prof. Umeda Gaforova | Khujand State University, Khujand, Tajikistan |
14 | Dr. Nargis Maqsudova | Avicenna Tajik State Medical University |
All participants of the action submitted presentations with information about their universities as well as statements regarding main environmental problems in Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan and India.
Several meetings had been held during 3 days.
Following matters have been discussed during the meetings:
– General discussion of the project – objectives, tasks, stages, plan of activities; tasks of each project participant; timetable of project activities, sequence and preliminary projects of training workshops and summer schools, etc.
– Selection of project participants; organization of English courses;
– Administrative matters (documentation maintenance, rules and calculation of costs in units), purchase of equipment;
– Design and assessment issues of quality of master’s educational programs; use of Blended-learning and E-learning when teaching; use of Moodle platform;
– Plan of project proliferation; distribution of project information; publications in local and national media, social media services; project website development;
– Project management: review, coordination, reporting and communications (e-mail, skype); project quality issues and others;
Department of international cooperation and academic mobility
Department of international cooperation and academic mobility
Discussion of the project Erasmus+ “Strengthening Network in Education, Research and Innovation in Environmental Health in Asia” (TUTORIAL).
On March 18, 2017 the meeting of the working group was held. Action plan was discussed at the meeting. Project action plan of SMU of Semey was designed in accordance with the general action plan of all participants.
On November 16-17, Head of Strategic Development Division and SSMU project coordinator concurrently Sharbanu Uisenbayeva, and head teacher of the Department of nutrition and hygienic disciplines Natalya Kulabuhova took part in the International educational-scientific conference “Erasmus Plus TUTORIAL. STrengthening Network EdUcaTiOn, Research and Innovation in Environmental HeALth”, which was held in Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. Representatives of 11 partner-universities from Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan took part in the conference. During the conference, project implementation reports were listened, decisions on purchase of equipment were made and perspective of project implementation was discussed. It should be noted that project “STrengthening Network EdUcaTiOn, Research and Innovation in Environmental HeALth”, financed by Erasmus+ program, is aimed at introducing new master’s degree and PhD programs in “Public Health”, “Medical-preventive work” with the use of blended-learning.