Implementation Period: 2022-2024
Customer: Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Applicant: Non-profit joint-stock company “Semey Medical University”
Name of the competition: Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2022-2024 (MES RK).
Type of study: Applied


Relevance: Diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications are one of the world’s pressing medical and social problems. Globally, there are 352.1 million people with prediabetes and 463 million already suffering from DM[IDF, 2019]. Scientists do not exclude the connection of the debut of carbohydrate metabolism disorders with COVID-19[Guo W, et al.,2020]. In Kazakhstan at the beginning of 2021, 382,000 patients with DM are registered, the economic cost of which is more than 20.5 billion tenge/year [Almaty, 2021].


Purpose of the study: To develop a personalized approach to early diagnosis and prevention of prediabetes in the Kazakh population based on the study of clinical, metabolic and genetic markers of its development.


Expected Outcomes: In any health care system, DM and its complications is an extremely costly disease. Among all countries in the world, the USA and China have the highest expenditures on diabetes therapy (USD 295 and 109 billion, respectively). In Kazakhstan, more than 20.5 billion tenge per year is spent on outpatient drug supply for DM patients. The problem becomes especially important in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic, as DM is one of its risk factors for the development of complications and lethality, the more so scientists do not exclude the connection of the debut of carbohydrate metabolism disorders with COVID-19.


  1. Scientific publications.

The results of the research under this grant will be published (50% of the authors of the publications will be members of the research team):

  • 3 (three) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded of Web of Science database and (or) having CiteScore percentile in Scopus database not less than 35 (thirty-five);
  • or 2 articles and (or) reviews) in foreign peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in Scopus database not less than 35) – BMC Public Health, BMC Endocrine Disorders, and a patent included in the Derwent Innovations Index database (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics) was obtained;
  • as well as 1 article or review in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by the UNCRC (“Science and Public Health”);
  • or 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications, included in the 1st (first) and (or) 2nd (second) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a percentile by CiteScore in the Scopus database not less than 65 (sixty-five);
  • or 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the 1st (first) or 2nd (second) quartile of the impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database not less than 65 (sixty-five) and 1 (one) patent included in the Derwent Innovations Index database (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics);
  • or 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication that is in the 1st (first) quartile for impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) has a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 80 (eighty);
  • or 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication included in the 1st (first), 2nd (second) or 3rd (third) quartile of the impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of not less than 50 (fifty), and an act of implementation (Ministry Order No. 791 of 14.11.2018) of the scientific and technical products prepared as a result of the project or a license agreement for them.
  • A monograph will be published based on the results of the study;
  • Materials of the research will be reported at the conferences of the republican and international level.


  1. Scientific and technical products (articles, monograph, methodological recommendations, patent, act of implementation) prepared as a result of the project implementation will be implemented in the educational, scientific process of higher educational institutions of RK, in the clinical practice of primary care in the process of postgraduate training of interns, residents, masters, doctoral students, practicing physicians, as well as functioning schools of preventive medicine on the basis of medical institutions of primary health care of RK and presented in the form of documentary evidence, certified by the head of the implementing organization.

Target consumers of the results obtained: people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The results of the study as intellectual property will belong to NAO “ICC” and the Grantor. To protect intellectual property, a patent, publications in journals, and a monograph will be issued.

Composition of the research group (temporary research team) of the Project AP14870019

No. n/n wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Full name (if any), education, degree, academic title Photo Main place of work, position Hirsch index , Researcher ID , ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available) Role in the project or program and the nature of the work performed Brief rationale for participation
1 1 dias97 20.06.24 14:24 dias97 24.06.24 10:03 Dyusupova Azhar Akhmetkalievna, DMS, professor 1.-dyusupova-azhar-ahmetkalievna-1-150x150.jpeg NJSC “Semey Medical University”, Head of the Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey Hirsch index Scopus – 4, orcid.0000-0001-88574118 ID Scopus 57191538156 General project management, implementation of the set goals and objectives, analysis and approval of the work plan, sample formation for East Kazakhstan region and Karaganda and preparation of project reports, preparation of publications, monographs, patents. The author of the project idea, general guidance, definition of the communication framework, analysis and approval of work plans and reports on the Project, preparation of publications, monographs, patents, development of an algorithm for a personalized approach to early diagnosis and prevention of prediabetes in the Kazakh population, taking into account clinical, laboratory and molecular genetic features of its development
2 2 dias97 20.06.24 14:32 dias97 24.06.24 10:04 Svyatova Gulnara Salavatovna
DMS, professor
2.-svyatova-gulnara-salavatovna-1-150x150.png JSC "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology", Republican Medical Genetic Consultation, Head Hirsch index Scopus 5,
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAY-2951-2020
Scopus Author ID: 6507176230
Scientific consultant for conducting molecular genetic studies of genes predisposing to the development of type 2 diabetes Scientific advice on molecular genetic studies of genes predisposing to the development of type 2 diabetes, and studying the role of polymorphic markers PPARG (rs1801282) and TCF7L2 (rs7903146) genes in the development of type 2 diabetes in individuals of the Kazakh population, reporting.
3 3 dias97 20.06.24 14:32 dias97 24.06.24 10:05 Yurkovskaya Oksana Alexandrovna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, professor of RAE 3.-yurkovskaya-oksana-aleksandrovna-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey Hirsch index Web of Science-4 , Literature review
Collection of material, screening, sampling in the East Kazakhstan region,
Departure to the regions
Writing reports
Questioning, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in the study in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, Formation of a database in Excelle, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of NJSC "MUK", JSC "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology ", Republican medical genetic consultation (genetic laboratory) reporting on the collected material in the Eastern region, drafting reports on the project, writing articles, monographs
4 4 dias97 20.06.24 14:33 dias97 24.06.24 10:06 Berezina Galina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor 4.-berezina-galina-mihaylovna-150x150.jpg JSC “Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology”, Republican Medical Genetic Consultation, laboratory specialist with higher education Hirsch index Web of Science 3,
Web of Science Researcher ID: B-1895-2018
Scopus Author ID: 7004587383
Carrying out molecular genetic studies of genes predisposing to the development of type 2 diabetes Genotyping of polymorphisms rs 1801282 of the PPARG gene and rs 7903146 of the TCF 7 L 2 gene, formation of a genotypic database, study of population characteristics of the allelic and genotypic distribution of polymorphisms of the PPARG (rs1801282) and TCF7L2 (rs7903146) genes associated with the development of type 2 diabetes in an ethnically homogeneous population of Kazakhs, compilation of a report.
5 5 dias97 20.06.24 14:34 dias97 24.06.24 10:06 Belyaeva Tatyana Mikhailovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, professor of RAE 5.-belyaeva-tatyana-mihaylovna-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey Hirsch index Web of Science-1 , https://orcid0000-0002-2565-2393 Material set. Questioning of the studied groups, material processing, stat. analysis Questioning, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in the study in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, Formation of a database in Excelle, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of NJSC "MUK", JSC "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology ", Republican medical genetic consultation (genetic laboratory) reporting on the collected material in the East Kazakhstan region, drafting reports on the project
6 6 dias97 20.06.24 14:35 dias97 24.06.24 10:07 Faizova Raida Ildusovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences 6.-faizova-raida-ildusovna-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, Assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey Hirsch index Web of Science-4
/ORCID 0000-0002-7168-6826
Material set. Questioning of the studied groups, material processing, stat. analysis Questioning, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in the study in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, Formation of a database in Excelle, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of NJSC "MUK", JSC "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology ", Republican medical genetic consultation (genetic laboratory) reporting on the collected material in the East Kazakhstan region, drafting reports on the project
7 7 dias97 20.06.24 14:36 dias97 24.06.24 10:08 Omarkulov Bauyrzhan Kadenovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 7.-omarkulov-bauyrzhan-kadenovich-1-150x150.jpg Director of the Institute of Public Health and Occupational Health of NJSC “MUK” Hirsch index Scopus – 2.
https://ORCID0000-0002-3955-4452 Scopus Author ID 56650976600
A set of material in the city of Karaganda, screening, sampling in the city of Karaganda,
Filling out questionnaires, anthropometry,
Database preparation
Formation of a database in Excelle, encryption, questioning, glucometry in the subjects in Karaganda, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of NJSC "MUK", drawing up a report on the collected material in Karaganda, statistical processing of the material and writing articles on the material collected in Karaganda
8 8 dias97 20.06.24 14:36 dias97 24.06.24 10:08 Dosbaeva Ainagul Muratkyzy, M.D. 8.-dosbaeva-aynagul-muratqyzy-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, Assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey ORCID: Executor
Planning and organization of research. A collection of materials for scientific research. Survey of the studied groups, processing of the material, statistical analysis
Conducting questionnaires, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in subjects in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, forming a database in Excelle, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of the NJSC “MUS”, to JSC “Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology”, Republican Medical and Genetic Consultation (genetic laboratory) preparation of reports based on the collected material for the East Kazakhstan region, preparation of reports on the project
9 9 dias97 20.06.24 14:37 dias97 24.06.24 10:09 Akhmetova Venera Tursynovna
9.-ahmetova-venera-tursynovna-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey Hirsch index Web of Science 1, ORCID: Planning and organization of research. Material set. Questioning of the studied groups, material processing, stat. analysis Questioning, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in the study in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, Formation of a database in Excelle, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of NJSC "MUK", JSC "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology ", Republican medical genetic consultation (genetic laboratory) reporting on the collected material in the East Kazakhstan region, drafting reports on the project
10 10 dias97 20.06.24 14:38 dias97 24.06.24 10:09 Dzharmukhametova Anastasiya Sergeevna 10.-dzharmuhametova-anastasiya-sergeevna-1-150x150.jpg NJSC “MUS”, Assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice of the city of Semey ORCID: Executor
A collection of materials for scientific research. Survey of the studied groups, processing of the material, statistical analysis
Conducting questionnaires, screening, anthropometry, glucometry in subjects in the East Kazakhstan region, including districts, forming a database in Excel, encryption, delivery of biological material to the laboratory of the NJSC “MUS”, JSC “Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology”
No. n/n Full name (if any), education, degree, academic title Photo Main place of work, position Hirsch index , Researcher ID , ORCID, Scopus Author ID (if available) Role in the project or program and the nature of the work performed Brief rationale for participation

All-Russian conference with international participation : “Comorbidity: interdisciplinary approach”. 23-24.05.2022 г.

Report: “The problem of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents of Semey city”.

I International MED-Congress “Man and Health. Multidisciplinary approach in medicine”. Semey, RK, 18.10-19.10.2022.

Report: “Algorithm of early diagnosis and prevention of metabolic disorders in children and adolescents of Kazakh population of Semey city”. Published thesis (collection).

All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation Ryazan, Russia. Ryazan, RF, 27.10-28.10.2022 “Metabolic disorders in children and adolescents of the Kazakh population: algorithm of early diagnosis and prevention”.

In the process of recruiting primary material, work is underway to form a representative sample in order to carry out the planned research methodologies for the project.

Recruitment of material for biochemical research has been started. Work has begun on the formation of the study database, which is necessary for statistical processing.

Questionnaire survey in the study group was started. On the basis of the obtained data, work has begun to assess the impact of prediabetes on the quality of life of the study subjects.

Screening and recruitment of a representative sample continued.

Scientific-practical conference “Science and Health” for students with international participation, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of RK Karazhanova Ludmila Kusainovna. April 12-13, 2023, report on the theme: Early diagnosis of prediabetes in persons of Kazakh nationality Semey. Diploma of 1 degree.

Recruitment of material for biochemical examination continued.

Immunologic studies of the samples were performed in the research laboratory of NAO “MUK” and the results were obtained.

Venous blood samples from patients of the main and control groups were collected, and DNA isolation was started.

Formation of the research database continues, taking into account the results of the studies.

The work on assessing the impact of prediabetes on quality of life continued.

Continued screening and recruitment of a representative sample for subsequent collection of biological material.

Preliminary materials obtained during the study were reported at the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference named after Atchabarov B.A. “Ecology. Radiation. Health”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of NAO “Medical University Semey” Section: “Topical issues of clinical medicine for the population living in areas of ecological disadvantage” – “Prediabetes and its early diagnosis in persons of Kazakh nationality Semey”- 28.08.23.

Evaluation of a number of parameters in the early stages of carbohydrate metabolism disorders continued.

DNA isolation was performed, genotyping was started.

Formation of the study database continued.

Assessment of the impact of prediabetes on the quality of life of the study subjects continued.

Speech at the International Conference on Emergency Medicine, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAEN RK A.Z. Dyusupov, NAS “ICC”, February 23, 2024 Semey.

Report on the topic: Prediabetes in the Kazakh population as a risk factor for the development of DM2 and its complications.

Annual 66th student scientific-practical conference of students with international participation “Science and Health”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor NAO “ICC” Kakenova Panu Ilyasovna, NAO “ICC”, April 11 – 12, 2024 Semey.

Report on the topic: Early metabolic disorders in prediabetes in Kazakh population of Semey city. Diploma of the 3rd degree.

III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth” April 12-13, 2024 Almaty.

Report on the topic: Prediabetes in persons of Kazakh nationality obl. Abay.

XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Medical Scientists “SOVA-2024”, FGBOU VO Ivanovo State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 17.05.2024.

Report on the topic: Clinical and metabolic characteristics of prediabetes in Kazakh population. Diploma of the 1st degree.

  1. «Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development». Azhar Dyussupova281, Vilnis Dzerve282, Elzbieta Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk105, Guadalupe Echeverría138, Ricky Eddie283, Ebrahim Eftekhar284, Eruke E. Egbagbe285. Nature volume 615, pages874–883 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05772-8
  2. К вопросу о патогенетических и молекулярно-генетических механизмах развития сахарного диабета 2 типа и его осложнений на ранних этапах нарушения углеводного обмена. Обзор литературы Ажар А. Дюсупова, Наталья Е. Глушкова, Татьяна М. Беляева, Оксана А. Юрковская, Раида И. Фаизова, Гульнар С. Святова, Галина М. Березина, Бауыржан К. Омаркулов, Анастасия С. Джармухаметова, Венера Т. Ахметова, Айнагуль М. Досбаева. Наука и Здравоохранение, 2023 2 (Т.25) DOI 10.34689/SH.2023.25.2.025.
  1. Pooled analysis and writing (*equal contribution; joint first authors)— Nowell H Phelps*, Rosie K Singleton*, Bin Zhou*, Rachel A Heap, Anu Mishra, James E Bennett, ….. Azhar Dyussupova*«Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 populationrepresentative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults NCD».Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Тhe Lancet/ Published online February 29, 2024.

RK patent for utility model No. 9095: Method of predicting the risk of prediabetes development.

Author’s certificate: Svyatova Gulnara Salavatovna, Berezina Galina Mikhailovna, Murtazalieva Alexandra Vladimirovna, Dyusupova Azhar Akhmetkalievna. Title of the object: Population characteristics of genetic predictors of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Kazakh population. 08.02.2023.

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