Round Table on Stroke at the Rehabilitation and Abilitation Center

On November 13, 2024, a round table on the topic of stroke was held at the Rehabilitation and Abilitation Center for People with Disabilities, based on the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitation named after Tusupov D.M. This event brought together 2nd-year neurology residents, 1st and 2nd-year rehabilitation residents, and 7th-year interns, creating an interdisciplinary…

Practical Healthcare Support from Interns and Residents

Interns from the VOP 730 group and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Resident, M.S. Akataeva, under the guidance of N.S. Bitébaeva, conducted a preventive discussion with parents on the topic: “Rational Nutrition – The Key to Health” at the Early Intervention Center “Қамқорлық” in Ust-Kamenogorsk during their “Rehabilitology” cycle. We understand that many parents ask themselves…