Meeting of the SSC with a competition of models at the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after Honored Scientist of the RK T. A. Nazarova

Meeting of the SSC with a competition of models at the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after Honored Scientist of the RK T. A. Nazarova

On November 2, 2023, the next meeting of the student scientific circle was held at the department of physiological disciplines. For the first time at a meeting of the circle, a design competition was held among 1-3 year students of the specialty “General Medicine”. The main objective of the competition is to create and develop favorable conditions for the creative development of students, the formation of their critical thinking and the disclosure of scientific research potential. The jury of the competition included: Head of the Department of Physiological Disciplines  S.O. Rakhizhanova, associate professor N.M. Urazalina, senior lecturer K.T. Kusainova, methodologist  department of quality medical education M.A. Meiramkan and the chairman of the SSS of the university, 5th year student of the specialty “General Medicine” E. Bibolov. The head of the department, Candidate of Medical Sciences S.O. Rakhyzhanova., delivered a welcoming speech.  The competition was attended by 5 teams  called  “Heart breaker”,  “Glycine» ,  «Азоттық негіздері»,   “Vita et mors”  and  “Twins”.  Models of organs and systems under normal and pathological conditions were presented to the attention of the jury and the students present. The students of the teams took a serious and competent approach to completing the layout . The competition was held in 3 stages: the first stage – presentation of the idea of ​​executing the layout and showing a video, the second stage – oral defense of the work, the third stage is checking the level of knowledge on the selected topic of the layout. Participants of the competition were asked questions. The jury members summed up the competition results and announced the winners. The winners were the following teams:

1st place, team “Vita et mors”, group 2121 OM A. Igisinova, A. Ospanova, A. Zhumabay.

2nd place, team “Twins”, group 3223 OM Z. Kaligozhina, Z. Kaligozhina.

3rd place, team “Glycine”, group 3404 OM G. Sadvakasova, A. Otarbek.

According to the decision of the jury members, the victory in the nomination “Best Presentation of a Layout” was won by the team  «Азоттық негіздері» of group 3404, pediatrics Z. Tamyzgazin, A. Mukasheva, B. Alimzhan, Ә. Sergean. In the “Creative approach” category, the “Heart breaker” team of group 1121, OM S. Kaliev, A. Kamazhanov, E. Marat, D. Kazhykenova, A. Nekhorosheva, won. Based on the results of the competition, the winners were awarded diplomas and certificates.

We  express special gratitude to the organizers of the competition, teacher of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A. Nazarova Master of Medicine A.K. Kanatbekova and the head of the student scientific circle , 3rd year student of the specialty “General Medicine” M. Kalelova.

Department of Physiological Disciplines named after honored worker of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A. Nazarova.[/vc_column_text]
