“Happy Nauryz!”

“Happy Nauryz!”

Nauryz is a holiday of spring and work, friendship and unity, and it is our national holiday, which respects the traditions of our people, imbibes our national qualities, and educates well-rounded moral and artistic citizens. In this regard, on March 19, students of the “Medicine” and “Pediatrics” programs of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after T.K. Raisov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized “Az Nauryz!” measure was noted. The students of the 1217 and 1220 Medicine program of A.M.Yessentaeva, teacher of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after T. K. Raisov, took an active part in this event. The noted event consisted of four parts. Students of group 1220 Aelita Karaftinova, Didar Yerkanatuli, Anuarbekova Nazerke showed their art in the presentation section. In the department of national traditions, students of group 1217 continued with traditional traditions of the Kazakh people, “Besikke salu”, “Tyshtyma”, “Tusau kesu”. Dancers from the 1220th group of students in the department of musical art showed off their skills. The event ended with tasting of the “National Table” organized by the students of the 1217 group. The event was held at a very high level, and all students of the group expressed their gratitude to the teachers of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after T.K. Raisov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Categories: Holidays, Social Life