In honor of the Day of the State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, military sports Olympiad were held at the military department of the NAO «Semey Medical University» among 4th-year cadets, who are currently undergoing training camps, according to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Chairman of the Board – Rector of our University.
The purpose of this event is to unite military teams, identify the most physically prepared students, as well as instill feelings of Kazakhstani patriotism, love for their Homeland, and pride in the achievements of their platoon.
The competitions were held in the following types:
- Disassembly and assembly of the AK-74 assault rifle (among girls, the first place is Nugytaeva Ayazhan, among boys – Temirkhanov Meirambek) ;
- Putting on a combined-arms protective suit (among girls, the first place is Kazybekkyzy Nurdan, among boys – Karimov Meyrlan);
- Arm wrestling (among girls, the first place is Kurentaeva Aruzhan, among boys – Sabit Temirlan);
- American exercise (Milena Mammadova is the first place among girls, Yersain Yerbolsyn is among boys)
- Tug of war – 1st place – cadets of the 4th platoon.
According to the results of all types of competition, the first place was taken by the team of the 4th platoon (platoon commander – Chokan Zhanna).
The teaching staff and cadets received a great boost of energy and actively supported their teams.
The organized event achieved its goal and became another step towards unity and friendship in the military team.
Head of the cycle of the military department Colonel of the reserve R. Mamykanov