Appreciate life!

Appreciate life!

On May 29, 2024, under the guidance of the head teacher of the Educational Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sh.K. Kinayatova, a conversation was held with students of the 5th year of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as residents of the 1st and 2nd year of the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology adult, children” aimed at preventing suicidal behavior “Appreciate life!”. During the event, the conversation was about how students cope with problems not only in university, but also in life, what pushes a person to take a disastrous step, how to help relatives or patients cope with these thoughts. During the conversation, concepts such as “the value of life”, “goals and meaning of life” were discussed. The students were offered situations that they played out, found solutions. At the end, we concluded that each of us is able to pay attention to a loved one who needs support. Suicide is preventable!