Sanitary and educational work on the topic: “Vaccinoprophylaxis”

Sanitary and educational work on the topic: “Vaccinoprophylaxis”

November 28, 2023 at the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitation named after Tusupova D.M. carried out sanitary and educational work on the topic “Vaccination prevention” by interns of the 714 group of the specialty of the GP under the guidance of the assistant of the department Kapanova A.A. Nowadays, raising a healthy child is not an easy task, and it is not enough to solve it only by careful observation of the child by parents and a favorable climate in the family. It is also necessary to carry out a set of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening health from an early age, prevention.

The most important link in prevention is immunoprophylaxis or vaccinations. Very often, parents do not believe in their effectiveness, consider it an unnecessary introduction into the immune system and are afraid that it may harm their child. But this position is explained by the elementary lack of necessary information.

Therefore, the speakers in their speeches explained the effectiveness and enormous benefits of vaccines for children. The peculiarities and negative impact of unvaccinated children on society were also voiced.

Thus, at present, vaccination is the most reliable and proven means of reducing infectious morbidity. The planned implementation of active immunoprophylaxis, which has become widespread in all countries of the world, made it possible to raise the question of the elimination of certain nosologies.[/vc_column_text]
