The School of Preventive Medicine “Arterial Hypertension”

The School of Preventive Medicine “Arterial Hypertension”

The School of Preventive Medicine for KSP patients at PHV Polyclinic 2 was successfully conducted under the guidance of assistants Amangaliev G.M. and Rakymgaziyeva A.S. from the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases and students of the 3rd course in the specialty “General Medicine”. The event was devoted to the theme “Arterial hypertension” and included lectures, discussions and practical exercises. At the school of preventive medicine the basic principles of prevention and control of arterial hypertension, its possible causes and consequences were considered. The event participants had access to current information materials and recommendations on maintaining health and preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Lectures and discussions were conducted in an interactive manner, which facilitated active participation by the audience. The practical training allowed the participants to learn the skills of blood pressure testing, how to control it and the correct selection of treatment. The School of Preventive Medicine “Arterial Hypertension” has become a useful and informative activity, contributing to raising the level of knowledge of patients and students on health and disease prevention.

Categories: Seminars