Summer school for nephrology residents

Summer school for nephrology residents

In order to improve the training of students in residency, from 06/03/2024 until 06/14/2024y. a summer school was held on the topic: “Kidney diseases and pregnancy” for residents of 1st and 2nd years of study in the specialty “Nephrology (adult, pediatric)” at the Department of Internal diseases and rheumatology.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in pregnant women are the second most common after cardiovascular pathologies. Kidney complications during pregnancy can be dangerous for both the woman and the fetus. In some cases, previous or chronic kidney disease may be a contraindication to pregnancy. And in this regard, the topics of the summer school were devoted to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the urinary system of pregnant women, preconception preparation, kidney diseases and pharmacotherapy during pregnancy. Of particular interest was the analysis of topics devoted to the management of pregnant women with a transplanted kidney. Residents actively participated in solving clinical cases and received positive feedback.

Responsible for conducting the summer school: head of the department of internal diseases and rheumatology, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kaskabaeva A.Sh., candidate of medical sciences, associate professors of the department Alibekova R.I., Kapanova G.K., assistant, candidate of medical sciences Botabaeva A.S.