The department carries out systematic, step-by-step work aimed at involving students in scientific activities. Particular attention is paid to talanted students, each of whom is assigned a supervisor from among the leading teachers of the department. Individual guidance of talented students is carried out through student scientific society, by involving students in the implementation of research projects.
The department has a student scientific group «Molecular genetics researchers». Every year about 70-85 people study in the society.
The student scientific society is actively functioning, which ensures the participation of students of the department in international and republican olympiads, conferences and competitions.
Student members of the scientific society participated in the 66th final student scientific conference, in international and republican conferences and took prizes. At the last meeting of the scientific society, Achievements letters were presented to the active members of the scientific society and wishes for success in further research activities were expressed.
Orazalina A.S, Head of Department, Kozhakhmetova B.B., teacher of the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Raissov T.K.