On June 19, 2024, with the personnel of the training company of the training camp (professional practice) In 2024, the Military Medical Olympiad was held jointly with the teachers of the Military Department and the Department of Simulation and Educational Technologies.
The Olympiad was organized in order to consolidate the theoretical and practical skills of the personnel of the training company for providing medical assistance to conditionally injured people in the mass admission of those affected from the «nuclear hearth», in accordance with topic No. 7 on the discipline «Military toxicology, radiobiology and medical protection».
A team of 7 people was selected from each platoon, the team name and motto were prepared.
The participants of the Olympiad were solemnly built at 9.00 o’clock.
The head of the «Military Department», Colonel of the medical Service Sh.O.Orynbasarov and the head of the Department of Simulation and Educational Technologies, Dinara Mukanova, entered the welcoming speech and wished good luck to the teams.
Participants competed in providing medical care for sudden cardiac arrest (BLS), polytrauma, PHO wounds and bleeding, burns, and the diagnosis of biological death.
At the end, the jury members summed up the results of the Olympiad and awarded the winners.
The Olympiad was held with the active participation of cadets and teachers, the goals of the event were achieved.
The head of the cycle of the military department
isresponsible for educational work
, Lieutenant Colonel of the reserve medical service N.Smailov