Advanced training course “Current problems of anatomy and topographical anatomy”

Advanced training course “Current problems of anatomy and topographical anatomy”

From 24.12.24 to 21.06.24, the training course “Actual problems of anatomy and topographical anatomy” was held. The organizer of the course is the senior lecturer of the department Esbolatova G. M., the lecturers of the course are Kozanova Saule Keneskhanovna, PhD, associate professor, head of the department of anatomy, histology and topographical anatomy named after Professor N.A. Khlopov, and candidate of medical sciences, senior lecturer Milushina Irina Nikolaevna. Actual problems of anatomy and topographical anatomy were discussed interactively. One of the most important key tasks of the education system at the present time is the formation of a thinking, creative, active, highly qualified specialist based on modern educational programs. That’s why our course was held at this level in front of teachers today, discussing active forms of lessons such as Pbl Tbl Cbl, OSPE, modernized teaching practices, wide use of flexible variable, innovative teaching technologies, exchange of work experience and methods of conducting practical lessons.

Categories: Seminars