Curated hour dedicated to World AIDS Day 2023

Curated hour dedicated to World AIDS Day 2023

World AIDS Day is celebrated annually on December 1, and in 2023 the theme of the day is “Leadership to Communities” (community organizations living with, affected by, or at risk of HIV are on the front lines of the epidemic).
In 2023, on November 30, a curatorial hour dedicated to World AIDS Day took place, in which the 5207 curatorial group of assistant E.M. Smail, GP interns 623 and 615 groups took part, and third-year students of the Medical College named after D. Kalmataeva.
Despite progress in the fight against this socially significant disease, it is still impossible to cure it; it was also noted that, unfortunately, there is no vaccine.
In their presentations at this event, students said that according to the latest data from the World Health Organization, by 2023 the number of people living with HIV worldwide will reach 38 million. In 2023, there were approximately 1.7 million new HIV infections. The future doctors said that people of any age become infected with HIV, but in recent years, citizens of the most active working age – from 30 to 60 years – have been increasingly involved in the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and that the disease is spread mainly through sexual contact.

Young people also remain at high risk; every year new cases of HIV infection are registered among boys and girls, and the main reason is the same – unprotected sex. HIV infection is a slowly progressing chronic disease; people are a source of infection throughout their lives, so nowadays anyone can meet an infected person.

The moderators informed that the simplest and most accessible test, the determination of antibodies in the blood, allows one to determine HIV infection and that everyone needs to be tested for HIV infection at least once a year, this is important for identifying the disease at an early stage in order to save life and reduce risk of HIV transmission. At the end of the event, a quick survey was conducted to consolidate the material listened to on the prevention of HIV infection.

Shaimardanov N.K., Smail E.M.[/vc_column_text]


Categories: Curatorial hours