Curator hour dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony

Curator hour dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Harmony

On October 18, 1992, the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. Then representatives of all religions, famous scientists, and cultural figures gathered in Almaty and adopted a manifesto, calling for October 18 to be declared the Day of Spiritual Harmony. Since then, the holiday has been considered a day of reconciliation, mercy and help to one’s neighbor, as well as a moratorium on conflicts and clashes. The unity and harmony of the people of Kazakhstan is the main value of an independent state, the most important principle of which is respect for the religious feelings of citizens.

On October 19, 2023, students of groups 201, 202 of the specialty “Pharmacy” and students of groups 1309, 212 of the specialty “Dentistry” together with the supervising teachers of the Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Disciplines named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tapbergenov S.О. Murtazina D.D., Dinzhumanova R.T., Kabdygaliyeva  A.E. As part of the “Day of Spiritual Harmony,” during supervisor‘s hour was held dedicated to the activities of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. During the supervisor’s hour, students became familiar with the goals, principles and upcoming tasks of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. Thanks to the principles and activities of the Assembly, the cultural and ethnic diversity of Kazakhstan has been maintained for many years. The question was also raised about the importance of the principles “we are different, but equal” and “unity in diversity” set by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The close interweaving of traditions, interethnic and interfaith harmony, tolerance towards other cultures is our invaluable asset. The cultural and moral foundations of our united nation are also patriotism, courtesy, hospitality, hard work, reverence for folk traditions and family foundations. And this, one might say, is the moral framework of our entire society. The centuries-old ideas of our people about the inner moral core of every person were based on this.


The staff of the Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Disciplines named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Tapbergenov S.O.[/vc_column_text]


Categories: Students