Legal bases in the actions of a doctor in conflict situations with patients

Legal bases in the actions of a doctor in conflict situations with patients

On 02.12.2022, on the basis of the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of the SMU, NCJSC, the assistant of the Department of GMP Aldiyarkhanova M.S. held a curatorial hour with the 627 group of GMP on the topic: “Legal bases in the actions of a doctor in conflict situations with patients.”

Muzhikbayeva A. reported, then the group discussed the topics most causing conflict situations, options for their resolution. A special place is given to communication skills and their use in the work of a practicing physician.
The topic of the rights and duties of the patient and the doctor was also touched upon. Articles from the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the health of the people and the healthcare system”, the Criminal and Civil Codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan were highlighted.[/vc_column_text]


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