Open Day

Open Day

On May 6, 2024, an Open Day event was held with interns of the 7th year of the specialty “General Medical Practice” at the clinical base of the “Jamilya” in order to conduct career guidance work on admission to the residency in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology adult, children”, which was organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after A. A. Kozbagarova. In this event, the responsible for residency in the specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology adult, children’s” master, head teacher of the educational department Kinayatova Sh.K. acquainted the interns of the 7th year with the purpose, mission and the educational program. Information was provided on clinical and educational bases, clinical and academic mentors, the importance and necessity of this specialty. The interns’ questions were answered.