Curator hour on the topic: “Prevention of crime.”

Curator hour on the topic: “Prevention of crime.”

June 10, 2024, under the guidance of department assistant, PhD Zhunuspekova A.S. a curatorial hour was held with group 4407 on the topic: “Prevention of crimes, violations of the principles of academic integrity in the student environment.”
Academic integrity is a set of values ​​and principles of student behavior in the educational process that develop personal integrity and responsibility for learning. The main principles of the academic value of students in the educational process are: integrity, protection of the rights of the author, openness, transparency, mutual trust, open exchange of information and ideas between students and teachers; respect for the rights and freedoms of students, equality.
During the curator’s hour, they discussed issues related to the rules of behavior of students at the university and the city, gave examples of real situations and options for action in them, and also explained the penalties for violating them.

Categories: Curatorial hours