Pharmacology Olympiad “Best Student of the Pharmacology Department”

On December 17, 2024, the Pharmacology Department held a subject Olympiad “Best Student of the Pharmacology Department” in three languages ​​of instruction, in which 3rd-4th year students of the School of Medicine took part. The Olympiad became a significant event in the academic life of students, bringing together more than 40 participants who demonstrated excellent…

The Olympiad on “HIV infection”

On December 11, the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the NCJSC “SMU” hosted an intra-university subject Olympiad on the topic “HIV infection” together with the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dermatology and Immunology. The following teams took part in the Olympiad: “T-helper” 4303 ohms, “Lifeline” 4321 ohms, “Pulse of Life” 4224 ohms and “Shyrak” 5314…

An open lesson on the discipline “Clinical orthodontics”

On December 09, 2024, the assistant of the Department of Dental Disciplines and MBH, Ilyas Rahimzhanov Nurbolatovich, held an open lesson on the discipline “clinical orthodontics” on the topic “Tortoanomalia of teeth in children”. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment” for fifth-year students of group 503. The lesson is organized in the TBL (team-based learning)…

“Open lesson – acute pancreatitis”

In accordance with the approved plan, at the Department of Hospital Surgery, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology of Semey Medical University, with the participation of Zhamal Maultovna Iklasova, a specialist in production practice of the education quality control department, an open lesson was held on the topic “Acute pancreatitis” in the discipline “Surgery” for general practitioner interns…