An open lesson on the module “Nephrology” (committee “The genitourinary system in the clinic”, 4th year, GM) was held at the Department of Internal Diseases and Rheumatology on November 21, 2023. The assistant of the department, PhD Kozhakhmetova D.K. used SP technology (examination of a standardized patient) for the lesson. The technology has been used at the department for a long time; all teachers have the skills to facilitate the educational process when using SP. During the lesson, the case of a patient diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease was discussed. The students themselves acted as SPs, “Doctors” and “Experts”. Traditionally, class assessments have been multi-component. First, a checklist was used to assess the skills of “Doctors” – “Experts” filled it out. Second, feedback about of quality of the “Doctor’s” skills was received from the SP and from the teacher. All students actively participated in the discussion and gave positive feedback at the end of the lesson. According to the experience of our department, the involvement of “simulated (standardized) patients” at the preclinical stage of students’ work increases understanding of the material and facilitates contact with real patients. The lesson was attended by the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Kaskabaeva A.Sh., assistant, candidate of medical sciences Botabaeva A.S. Monitoring was carried out by pathological anatomy and forensic medicine department’s assistant, candidate of medical sciences Zhakipova A.A., member of the Academic Quality Council of Semey Medical University. Based on the monitoring results, there were no comments.
Internal Diseases and Rheumatology Department[/vc_column_text]