Seminar on measles prevention at KDP No. 3 in Semey

Seminar on measles prevention at KDP No. 3 in Semey

In 2023, on December 1, a seminar on measles prevention was held at the Consultative and Diagnostic Clinic No. 3 in Semey. Interns 615 of the GP group, who are currently studying in the discipline “Infectious diseases in adults,” reported on the epidemiological situation of measles in Kazakhstan and in the Abay region.

The speakers recalled that measles is a highly contagious, severe disease of viral origin with an airborne transmission mechanism and that the contagiousness index for this infection is approaching 100%. This infection is characterized by the following clinical picture: fever (38-39 C°), catarrh of the upper respiratory tract (runny nose, “barking cough”), conjunctivitis, Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots (small whitish spots surrounded by a red stripe – “semolina” ).
Complications of measles were discussed in detail, such as pneumonia, croup, otitis media, oral ulcers and diarrhea, convulsions, encephalitis and the most severe complication that occurs is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), which occurs in one case in 5000 cases of measles with onset on average 7 years (range: 1 month to 27 years) after acute measles. At the end of the seminar, future doctors noted that timely and complete vaccination is the basis for ensuring individual and population immunity to measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

Shaimardanov N.K., Smail E.M.



Categories: Seminars