On November 30, 2023, at the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitation named after D.M. Tusupova, under the guidance of assistants of the department Akhmetzhanova D.O., Kapanova A.A., a subject Olympiad was held for interns of general practice of 713 and 714 groups who undergo discipline in the pediatric department of the university hospital.
The purpose of the Olympiad is to consolidate the acquired knowledge of the interns and leave happy memories in the student life.
The Olympics were held in 3 stages. At the 1st stage, which was a selection test, a test was held. The 2nd stage was in the format of a quiz, in which each participant could earn from 10 to 50 points for the correct answer to a question. In the 3rd stage, the participants were offered the results of laboratory tests, which they had to interpret and guess what kind of pathology it might be.
All participants showed their knowledge and experience. Tursynov Kuanysh received the honorary title “Best intern” among the interns who took part, and the places were distributed as follows: Toleuov Olzhas took the 1st place, Zhumageldinova Nazerke took the 2nd place, Alisa Ponomareva took the 3rd place. Certificates were awarded to the winners, and letters of thanks were given to the other participants. At the end of the Olympiad, the interns gave feedback and thanked the organizers. Interns noted that they liked the Olympiad, and such subject Olympiads increase their knowledge and experience, and in the future, help them choose their direction for residency.[/vc_column_text]